Welcome to funky town. Population: me.

I am in a funk.  The weather is depressing.  My job has been stressful the last few weeks.  I have let my running slide.  Down into oblivion.

Ok, in reality the funk is not insurmountable.  It hasn’t even been a week yet.  Nonetheless, the idea of sitting in my sweats with tea and my afghan is far more appealing than the frigid cold wind outside.  And so, I have missed a few runs.  This only adds to my funk. Running can defunkify me.  Yet, the gray palette of Ohio winter is a stronger push inside.  Thus, I have a vicious circle-o-funk. Winter funk–>stay inside–>running funk–>cranky mommy–>overuse of sweatpants–>avoiding the one activity that can break funk cycle.

I saw on a post that one runner, trying to find her mojo, liked to go to Pinterest and look up inspirational running quotes.  Now, I know that a good quote can’t get me out the door, but it does remind me of why I love it when I do.

Here are a couple of my favorites:

Really makes you think.

Really makes you think.

The list goes on and on....

The list goes on and on….

The colors in this just make me happy.

The colors in this just make me happy.

Of all the things in life we are running from, running should not be one of them.

Of all the things in life we are running from, running should not be one of them.

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